Helloooo everybody. So, recently I've been trolling the web looking for random stuff and I came across a bunch of places that are running preorder promotions for Empire of Storms. And I'm here to tell you all about them, because I don't want anybody to miss out on these chances. Also, there are so many places to order EoS from that it's helpful to have them all in one place. I hope this helps you in your decision on where to buy :)
First, I have three places (that I have found so far) where you can preorder Empire of Storms by Sarah J. Maas SIGNED
For the UK and Europe, Waterstones has the white paperback editions for signing.
This promotion is only available until the DAY OF PUBLICATION, aka September 6, 2016.
For the US and others who want to order from there, Books of Wonder has the hardcover US editions for signing AND personalization.
This promotion is only available until AUGUST 15, 2016! No later than that or the books will come without personalization.
For US and international, Good Choice Reading is running a virtual signing. At this signing you can get ALL of the ToG books (in hardcover) and the ToG coloring book signed and personalized. You will have to pay full price and shipping for the books, but you can get the entire series signed/personalized if you so desire.
Also, the EoS edition that is being signed is the Barnes & Noble edition, which you can check out below.
The deadline for this is, as you can see above, AUGUST 29, 2016. Get your orders in before then folks!
Then I have two places where you can get exclusive content. The first is Barnes & Noble with an exclusive fan art poster and an exclusive short story.
This will be available following the release as well, meaning there is no deadline on when you have to order it buy.
The second place is Target. Target always seems to have exclusive editions of EVERYTHING. This edition of EoS will have an exclusive full-color poster and a never-before-seen story.
This will also be available after the publication date, so there's no rush on buying this one either.
Also, if you were unaware, Bloomsbury is running a preorder promotion as well. It's not for a signed copy or anything, BUT it is really cool. Check it out.
If you preorder Empire of Storms, you get the notebook pictured above. If you preorder the ToG coloring book, you get the colored pencils pictured above.
You can preorder from ANYWHERE, in ANY format (that means physical ...or ebook copies), and it will work for this promotion. However, there are only some countries (listed below) that can receive this promotion.
USA, Canada, UK, ROI, AU, and NZ are the only countries where you can be sent the preorder gifts. The link to submit your information is here.
More informations and FAQ are here.
Also, once Empire of Storms is released, I will be running a giveaway, so make sure to stay tuned for that!
I'm also hosting a Throne of Glass series Read-A-Long. The link to the post is here, or can be found as the Featured Post on the top right of my blog.
Other preorder links (unsigned and unexclusive) for Empire of Storms:
I wasn't asked to promote any of this. I mean, I have very few people who follow this blog (if any) and very few YouTube subscribers, so no one would as me to do this as they don't know I exist. However, ToG is my favorite series and I am extremely excited about these promotions. I am preorder both signed editions as I have both edition sets and I have already turned in my preorder information for the goodies. I wouldn't want huge fans of Sarah and this series to miss out on these great opportunities simply because they didn't know about them. I also realize that there are a lot of editions to buy. There's three different editions in the US alone, which could cost a person quite a bit of money. I myself will be getting the exclusive editions and the signed editions, but only because I have an excellent well-paying job this summer. I hope this enlightened you or at least got you excited for the release (September 6, 2016).
Thanks for reading