Title: Hunting Prince Dracula
Author: Kerri Maniscalco
Series: "Stalking Jack the Ripper" #2
Genre: YA Historical Fiction
Page Length: 434 pages
Publication Date: September 19, 2017
Date Started: March 23, 2019
Date Finished: March 27, 2019
Rating: 4.5 // 5 stars
Y'all, I'm so glad I finally read this book. I started reading an arc back before it even released but put it down at some point because I was getting situated in college. I was trying to figure out how to juggle reading and blogging with having a social life and studying. It took me a year and a half to finally read this book. But I'm so happy I did.
Everything was on point in this book. From the characters, the mystery, the setting....all of it was fantastic. I'm already planning to visit the town this book is set in while I'm studying abroad in Europe because this setting intrigued me so much.
Is it even possible to love Thomas Cresswell as much as I do? I loved his character in the first book but after this second book? I'm pretty much into obsession at this point. Just...everything about him is great. Sure, some of the things he did in this book annoyed me a little bit at first but that was because I was reading through Audrey Rose's perspective. Looking at his actions as a whole, though, just made me love him even more.
Audrey Rose was also amazing. I loved her in the first book and that continued into this one. Her character development has already come so far and I'm just super excited to see where it goes in the next book. The fact that she maintained her sass and amazing personality was compounded with a level of badassery greater than the first book, the fact that she was struggling through trauma, and her extra level of confidence. I just...I can't wait to see what she does next.
The mystery was definitely interesting. I'm excited to reread this book in the future just to see if I can catch extra foreshadowing details like I did when rereading Stalking Jack the Ripper. This story took a turn in a way I didn't expect but I loved it. This sequel definitely strayed away from doing the same ending as the first book and I'm really glad.
I will say that at times I felt like it was moving a bit slow and I started drifting, but other than that I have no qualms with this book. I loved the characters, the plot and mystery was great, and I always do enjoy the forensic aspects.
I cannot wait to read the third book next month. I've heard such great things about it from fans of this series and I am just thrilled that I have two more books to spend with these characters and mysteries.
Y'all, I'm so glad I finally read this book. I started reading an arc back before it even released but put it down at some point because I was getting situated in college. I was trying to figure out how to juggle reading and blogging with having a social life and studying. It took me a year and a half to finally read this book. But I'm so happy I did.
Everything was on point in this book. From the characters, the mystery, the setting....all of it was fantastic. I'm already planning to visit the town this book is set in while I'm studying abroad in Europe because this setting intrigued me so much.
Is it even possible to love Thomas Cresswell as much as I do? I loved his character in the first book but after this second book? I'm pretty much into obsession at this point. Just...everything about him is great. Sure, some of the things he did in this book annoyed me a little bit at first but that was because I was reading through Audrey Rose's perspective. Looking at his actions as a whole, though, just made me love him even more.
Audrey Rose was also amazing. I loved her in the first book and that continued into this one. Her character development has already come so far and I'm just super excited to see where it goes in the next book. The fact that she maintained her sass and amazing personality was compounded with a level of badassery greater than the first book, the fact that she was struggling through trauma, and her extra level of confidence. I just...I can't wait to see what she does next.
The mystery was definitely interesting. I'm excited to reread this book in the future just to see if I can catch extra foreshadowing details like I did when rereading Stalking Jack the Ripper. This story took a turn in a way I didn't expect but I loved it. This sequel definitely strayed away from doing the same ending as the first book and I'm really glad.
I will say that at times I felt like it was moving a bit slow and I started drifting, but other than that I have no qualms with this book. I loved the characters, the plot and mystery was great, and I always do enjoy the forensic aspects.
I cannot wait to read the third book next month. I've heard such great things about it from fans of this series and I am just thrilled that I have two more books to spend with these characters and mysteries.
Thanks for reading!
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