Title: First Kiss
Author: C.L. Stone
Series: "The Ghost Bird" #10
Genre: YA Contemporary/Conspiracy?
Page Length: 377 pages
Publication Date: April 25, 2016
Date Started: April 26, 2016
Date Finished: April 26, 2016
Rating: 5/5 stars
*Semi-spoiler free review...there's a few if you haven't read previous novels*
I LOVED IT! I have been waiting so long for this book, and it did not disappoint. I was thrilled going into it, because there were things that could possibly happen that I really wanted to happen. THEY HAPPENED!
It was Kota's book, and I love Kota. Things didn't happen with him as much as I had hoped, but they were still great. I love Kota to death, even if he's not my favorite.
First of all, it's Winter Break in this novel. Which means Christmas! Sang's past Christmases have never been that great, coming from the family she's in, so it was fantastic getting to see her involved in the boys' Christmas. I loved it. And the snowball fights were hilarious!
They also went to Academy camp. Things didn't happen how I expected them to there, but I did enjoy meeting new characters. I don't know if any of them are going to show up in future books, but I do hope so.
The shower thing happened! I heard a rumor/fan prediction that the boys were going to find out about Sang's phobia in this book. I was waiting the whole book for it, and it set itself up nicely. She would only go to the far latrines with Lake to get ready for bed. She would make the boys check for spiders, or so they thought, before she entered. She had multiple thoughts about showers. It was great!
I liked how it happened, too. Even though it painted Kota as the bad guy when he forced her into the shower, not knowing her phobia, and she fainted--causing Victor to yell at him numerous times. I enjoyed it.
Plus, all the boys got all worried and immediately went to Victor's mansion, after he brought her there, and demanded to see her and make sure she was okay. While I knew they all loved her, that scene just fully cemented in me the fact that they ALL love her. And I think it's bloody fantastic.
I'm so excited to see how they handle that phobia in future books, seeing as they got cut off from talking about it due to an unforseen visitor.
I am so excited for the next book, entitled Black and Green. Or maybe it was the other way around? Either way, I'm thinking that it's going to be about Dr. Green and Mr. Blackbourne. I really want it to be about them.
The only problem I had was the fact that there was a lot of typos. They weren't too bad, but they were slightly distracting from the story because I'd be engrossed and then my brain would go "Ooo, typo! Lookie!" I think that if there'd been a little bit more editing, they would have been caught. But I'm okay with them because the book was fantastic.
This book was such a great follow up to the 9th. To be honest, the 7th and 8th were kind of slow for me, but these books are picking back up again and I'm very excited for the next. Things are happening, guys!
Thanks for reading