Sunday, April 3, 2016

Let's Talk: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Title: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Illustrated Edition)
Author: J.K. Rowling
Illustrator: Jim Kay
Series: "Harry Potter" #1
Genre: Middle-Grade Fantasy
Page Length: 246 pages
Publication Date: 
            Original Story: June 26, 1997
            Illustrated: October 6, 2015
Date Started: April 2, 2016
Date Finished: April 3, 2016
Rating: Infinity

*Semi-spoiler free review*

I loved re-reading this novel. I was drawn back in so quickly and found myself realizing I missed the Wizarding World and Hogwarts more than I thought I did.

Harry Potter was the first 'real' book series I can remember reading. I felt like a kid again, but also I felt like I got something more out of it while reading it at this age. I understood subtle jokes that my 8-year old self didn't get. I had forgotten a lot from when I last re-read the series a couple years ago, so it was amazing because there were parts that were, essentially, completely new to me.

I love this world. Harry, Ron, and Hermione are fabulous. I absolutely love J.K. Rowling's writing style. It's simplistic and above-par, yet still gets all the details in.

The adventures that these characters get into just get better and better as the years go on, and I'm very much looking forward to re-reading the rest of the series. I've been sucked back in and am now required to continue, haha.

Infinity stars, of course!


Thanks for reading

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