Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Top 5 Wednesday: Books You Thought You'd Hate But Ended Up Loving

Another Wednesday is upon us! This week's Top 5 Wednesday prompt is all about those books you thought you were going to hate but ended up loving. Since I don't really read books that I think I'm going to hate, I'm going to be talking about some books that I was apprehensive or nervous going into--whether it be because it was outside of my genre, the hype was large, or I'd heard mixed things--but ended up loving! 

So first we have All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque. This is a book focused around World War I that I had to read for a class my freshman year of college. I already wasn't looking forward to it at all because, really, who likes summer homework? Plus, it was outside of the genres I usually read. However, I ended up actually really liking it--I even cried a few times. It's one of the few books that I've kept from freshman year just from the sheer amount of feels I had while reading it. 

Next I chose Caraval by Stephanie Garber. I didn't go into this book thinking I would hate it, but I wasn't sure if I was going to love it as much as the hype suggested. When I finally read it, I ended up being blown away by the brilliance of it and how the story wove together. While this series isn't at the top of my favorites list, I still really enjoy it and I can't wait to read the final book in May! 

Next I chose Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff. Going along with the same thing as Caraval, I didn't expect to hate this book but I was a tad apprehensive going in because I didn't usually read science fiction and the format of the book was scary at the time. However, I read through it so quickly and it became one of my favorite books of all time! I ended up reading it three times that spring and I still think about it all the time. 

Up next I decided to go with Hide and Seek Her by H.B. Stumbo. Yes, I was excited to read this book when I got it, but up until that point, I hadn't read much outside of fantasy and paranormal books. Of course, if you've been following this blog or my instagram for a while, I talk about this book a lot. It's one of my favorites and I cannot wait to reread it this year in preparation for the final books!

And, lastly, we have The City of Brass by S.A. Chakraborty. I definitely had apprehensions going into this book. So many people I knew absolutely loved it and would hype it up all of the time. It was also an adult fantasy and a lot of the adult fantasies I'd read before had let me down. Of course, none of that mattered since I fell absolutely in love with this trilogy! I think about it on the daily and I already am super excited to reread the books in preparation for the final book next winter! 

Thanks for reading!

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