What's Been Happening
I will say that a lot has been going on in the past week and a half. I had a midterm and a lot of homework that was due before spring break began. I spent most of last Friday traveling home. I met up with a friend on the train into Chicago and we ended up getting lunch at a mediterranean place (that I'm not obsessed with) while we waited for our Amtraks. Mine ended up being delayed almost four hours and I was so glad I had switched to an earlier one on a different line.
Then I was visiting with my dad and his side of the family for a few days where I didn't get any reading or blogging done. We watched a couple movies I'd been wanting to see, I saw my grandma, we went out to dinner, etc. We ended up seeing Captain Marvel which was so freaking good!
On Monday I was home and started the task of packing up all of my books and belongings so that my sister can move into my room. It's been a sad process, if I'm being honest, because I love displaying my books but I'm coming to terms with the idea of putting them in storage. What makes it easier is that I'll have more access to them when I'm at college most of the year as they're going in storage in the town I study in. I'll definitely be visiting them a lot next year when I want to exchange books.
Then I was visiting with my dad and his side of the family for a few days where I didn't get any reading or blogging done. We watched a couple movies I'd been wanting to see, I saw my grandma, we went out to dinner, etc. We ended up seeing Captain Marvel which was so freaking good!
On Monday I was home and started the task of packing up all of my books and belongings so that my sister can move into my room. It's been a sad process, if I'm being honest, because I love displaying my books but I'm coming to terms with the idea of putting them in storage. What makes it easier is that I'll have more access to them when I'm at college most of the year as they're going in storage in the town I study in. I'll definitely be visiting them a lot next year when I want to exchange books.
Other than that, I had a lot of professors assign things over spring break. I have already finished reading a book and watching the film adaption but I still need to write two papers and make progress in another book. Not to mention I'm currently trying to read books for myself and season 3 of Queer Eye just came out! I love that show and it's calling for me to binge it.
I do have some plans today. I'm going to work on outlining my paper and reading a bit more but then I'm going around town with my best friend, taking my niece to get a toy, and then my family is making homemade pasta and chicken piccata tonight. As my last day in town, I'm trying to make the most of it!
What I'm Reading
I'm currently reading five books, according to Goodreads, but two of those are textbooks over the course of the semester so I'm not going to discuss them right now. The three books I'm reading are interesting but I'm not feeling the urge to pick them up as much as I'd like.
The first of these is Wicked Saints by Emily A. Duncan. I was super excited to get an early copy of this book and I'm sad that it hasn't lived up to my expectations so far. I'm a little over halfway through and I'm bored. It feels like nothing has happened to me except for three scenes or so. I haven't read it in a few days and I actually have no desire to continue, even though I have to so that I can write a complete review.
The next is Daring Greatly by Brené Brown. This is one that I'm reading for a class but since I need to finish it within the next week or so, I figured I would discuss it. It's kind of an inspirational book about allowing ourselves to be vulnerable. I've only gotten through the introduction thus far as I plan on taking it a chapter a day so that I can take thorough notes and not overwhelm myself.
The last book I'm currently reading is The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton which I'm buddy reading with Itske from @acourtofbooksandfeelings on Instagram. We both were talking about books we have on our TBRs and we realized we both had this one and wanted to read it, so we set up a buddy read! I'm enjoying it so far and I hope that it picks up a lot more soon. I think it definitely has the potential to be dark and full of twists so I hope that it really lives up to the reviews.
What I'm Watching
I just started watching Queer Eye season 3. I only watched one episode today but I'm already super in love with it. I just love these boys and this show never fails to make me tear up. I cannot wait to continue watching, though I think I'm going to try and watch it slowly so that I have less time to wait for the next season.
What I'm Listening To
I watched Bohemian Rhapsody a week ago and I've been listening to the soundtrack nonstop as I pack up my room this week. I even listened to it when I was getting a filling, though that was just pure torture because I couldn't sing along. There's just something so beautiful and addicting about the music.
Thanks for reading!
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