Title: Tracing the Stars
Author: Amanda Richardson
Rating: 4.5/5 stars
I really enjoyed this story. I liked the characters and the plot. I did think that for the amount of time it covered, it didn't show a whole lot of the passing of time. But I still loved it. I cried, I laughed, and I loved it.
Title: Barbie Girl
Author: Heidi Acosta
Rating: 3.5/5 stars
This was an interesting book. I enjoyed it, but I didn't love it. Somehow, I couldn't put it down, though. It is like the books I read on Wattpad just for something to pass the time. I do think that it discussed some important topics and I do want to read the next one to see what happens with these characters.
Title: Twilight: The Graphic Novel: Collector's Edition
Author: Stephenie Meyer
Illustrator: Young Kim
Rating: 5/5 stars
Getting to re-experience the world of Twilight through this graphic novel was so fun and nostalgic. It was a quick read for me considering it was mostly pictures, but I loved every moment. I loved getting to see drawings and picture portrayals of Edward and the rest of the Cullens. I can't wait to buy the New Moon graphic novel so that I can continue my nostalgic tour.
Title: A Shadow Bright and Burning
Author: Jessica Cluess
Rating: 5/5 stars
First, this cover is GORGEOUS! It's what initially drew me to this book and then the synopsis kept me coming back for more. It took me a while to finally open it up and read it but when I did, I read it so fast. Almost the whole book I read in one sitting. I loved it and can't wait for the sequel. More non-spoiler thoughts in my Goodreads review linked above :)
Title: Trust & Treachery
Author: Charissa Dufour
Rating: 3.5/5 stars
I enjoyed this book but I didn't love it. I am going to continue on with the series because I'm interested in seeing what happens with the RH aspect and with the other characters.
Title: Star Crossed Hurricane
Author: Wendy Knight
Rating: 3.5/5 stars
This book was free, so I can't really complain much. I did enjoy it but I didn't love it. It wasn't fantastic or anything but I did fly through it.
Title: Broken & Hunted
Author: Charissa Dafour
Rating: 3.5/5 stars
Things got heated in this book and there were a lot of mysteries in this installment. I enjoyed it, but I'm not sure if I enjoyed it more than the first book. This one seemed to drag on a little bit whereas the first didn't. We'll see how the next one goes.
Title: Introductions
Author: C.L. Stone
Rating: 5/5 stars
I reread this book simply so I could listen to the audiobook, which I enjoyed immensely. It was so fun and refreshing being back in the Ghost Bird universe. It's making me want to reread the series and getting me pumped up for the 11th book's release.
Title: First Days
Author: C.L. Stone
Rating: 5/5 stars
Again, I reread this for the audiobook as well as because I wanted to continue in this world. I'm itching to reread my favorite books in this series before the newest release (soon...hopefully).
Title: Finding Honor
Author: Ripley Proserpina
Rating: 3.75/5 stars
I liked this book, but I didn't love it. I enjoyed it immensely and I'm excited to see how it continues, but I didn't love it. I enjoyed the characters and I enjoyed the plot quite a bit. I'm excited to see how Nora's relationship with each of the boys continues to grow in upcoming novels.
11 & 12.
Title: Trying To Live With The Dead
Author: B.L. Brunnemer
Rating: 5/5 stars
(I read it twice this month)
Title: CW Boys: The Beginning
Author: C. Shell
Rating: 3/5 stars
This book was okay, but it wasn't fantastic (in my mind). I read it pretty quickly and it was pretty basic. It's similar to stories I've read on Wattpad with the same premise. But I'm not sure I would pay $3 to read it. I enjoyed reading it, but I didn't feel a connection.
Title: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: Illustrated Edition
Author: J.K. Rowling
Illustrator: Jim Kay
Rating: 5/5 stars
Ah...I love HP and the illustrated editions are just so freaking gorgeous. Jim Kay's drawings are beautiful and I can't wait to see the rest of the series. This is definitely the edition I'm going to read out of when I introduce my children (or nieces and nephews) to HP.
My favorite new book I read this month was Trying to Live with the Dead. It was just so amazing. I've been obsessing over it since I first started reading it. I've read it twice now and am feeling the urge to read it a third time! Definite must read!
Thanks for reading and thanks for such a great year.
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