Here we have another one of my series reviews! I'm writing the reviews as I read them and then throwing a couple thoughts on the series as a whole in the end! Let's just jump in because this series is 5 books long and there is a lot to talk about.
So here we have...The Faith series by Nikki Bolvair.
~Book 1~
~Book 1~
Title: Love Is Not Lost
Publication Date: November 12, 2015
Date Started: November 7, 2016
Date Finished: November 8, 2016
Rating: 4/5 stars
This book drew me in so quickly and before I knew it, I had read the whole thing. I immediately bought the rest of the series. The characters just made me feel warm and fuzzy and I loved how this book was such a nice introduction of what else was to come.
~Book 2~
~Book 2~
Title: Brokenly Found
Publication Date: December 30, 2015
Date Started: November 8, 2016
Date Finished: November 8, 2016
Rating: 4/5 stars
The characters really grew in this book, and so did the romance. I enjoyed every single scene with Faith and the boys. It was so fun reading and it even got a little steamy at some points (um, yes please!). The drama of this series started to get more intense, which I really liked. All in all, I loved this book.
~Book 3~
~Book 3~
Title: Gaining Ground
Publication Date: April 8, 2016
Date Started: November 8, 2016
Date Finished: November 8, 2016
Rating: 5/5 stars
This book raised this whole series up to another level. The boys and Faith got even closer in this one, and the drama amplified. I loved how the boys were able to help Faith and I loved every scene where they were with her and helping her (and getting steamy with her). The supporting characters in this installment also grew and I really enjoyed them.
~Book 4~
~Book 4~
Title: Silent Secrets
Publication Date: August 23, 2016
Date Started: November 9, 2016
Date Finished: November 9, 2016
Date Finished: November 9, 2016
Rating: 5/5 stars
~Book 5~
Publication Date: March 26, 2017
Date Started: March 26, 2017
Date Finished: March 27, 2017
Rating: 5/5 stars
While I always want more of this story and of Faith and her guys, I do think that this was the perfect ending to this series. I loved getting to see more of Faith and Tyler and Lincoln and Kayden. I especially loved that we finally got that one anticipated scene with all five of them. When I finished this book, I was so surprised that I had reached the end. I wasn't paying attention to how far I'd read and then I read the words "The End" and almost cried. I want more! I have a feeling this will be one of those series that I go back to and binge-read whenever I need a pick me up.
~The series as a whole~
~The series as a whole~
I loved this series. It was light-hearted, fun, and had just the right amount of drama for me. I love all the boys and wish I had some of my own. I am excited for the spin off series, despite wanting more of just Faith and her guys. I think that this series is definitely going to be one of my favorites for many years to come! I will definitely be binge-reading it again (probably sometime within the next year)
Thanks for reading
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