1. Best Book You've Read
I've read a lot of really great books so far that have made it onto my favorites list, but the best two books that I've read this year (so far) are House of Earth and Blood by Sarah J. Maas and The Empire of Gold by S.A. Chakraborty. I don't know if I could choose right now which one I liked more because they were both so different and amazing in their own ways.

2. Best Sequel You've Read
I've actually read quite a few first books in series or standalones this year but in terms of the best sequel I read, that honor would have to go to The Empire of Gold by S.A. Chakraborty. I do apologize because I loved this book so much so it will end up on multiple categories of this list, but it was an amazing sequel. Honorable mentions go to Ember Queen by Laura Sebastian and This Shattered World by Amie Kaufman & Meagan Spooner.
3. New Release You Haven't Read but Want To

I also want to read Girl, Serpent, Thorn. I honestly don't remember much about this except that I was totally hooked when I read the synopsis. This is another book with an absolutely stunning cover and I can't wait to have a copy on my shelves. You can find out more on Goodreads.
4. Biggest Disappointment

As a big lover of Twilight, I was very much looking forward to discovering a new YA novel centered around vampires. I was a bit skeptical going in since the marketing surrounding this book definitely seemed to play up the similarities to Twilight, even being pitched to me as, "Is this the new Twilight?!" I really think the similar cover, pitch comparing it to Twilight, and the similarities in characters really did this book a disservice. I absolutely hated it and continue to not like it even more the more I look back on it. On the other hand, it was really fun writing this review because I had so much to discuss.
5. Biggest Surprise

6. Favorite New Author
I have so many! Nic Stone, Zoraida Córdova, Adiba Jaigirdar, Adalyn Grace...the list goes on and on! I've read a lot of books this year from new-to-me authors and I'm very excited to see what new ones I read from next and what other books from these authors I still get to read!
7. Newest Fictional Crush
I think I'm an outlier in that I don't really have fictional crushes? I have characters that I love and think are great in their respective relationships, but as I've grown older I've stopped having crushes on characters. I think, for me, a personality has to completely match well with mine and I just don't think that even some of my favorite characters would match well with me. I'm also in a very happy relationship and no fictional character could ever compare to him. That being said, I do ship different characters with each other and I do love characters, I just don't crush on them anymore.
8. Newest Favorite Character

9. Book that Made You Cry
I'll admit, I cry in books a lot. I tear up in most books I read when an emotional scene rolls around. That being said, I do have some where there was either a steady stream of tears or full on sobbing.
House of Earth and Blood by Sarah J. Maas made me sob. It had me crying in the first 100 pages and then I was sobbing throughout most of the final 100 pages as well. There were just so many emotions rolling through me and I was so scared for so many characters throughout the book. And, of course, I tend to cry in most SJM books anyway.

10. Book that Made You Happy

This is one that I actually read on Wattpad many many years ago when it was first being published chapter-by-chapter. I'm so happy that it's been released in a newly edited and revised paperback so that I can add it to my book collection. It was just so fun being back in this story with these characters and I had such a good time rereading this. I'm also just very excited for the second book to be edited and released this December!
11. Favorite Book to Movie Adaptation
I haven't really watched many this year, but I did reread the first three Twilight Saga books so far (with Breaking Dawn coming in July) and it reminded me of how much I loved the movies. The Twilight movie isn't the best quality but it's still fun and New Moon and Eclipse are wonderfully shot and produced! I honestly want to have a movie marathon soon because I love the stories so much.
12. Favorite Review You've Written
My favorite review I wrote for a book I actually liked was my review for House of Earth and Blood by Sarah J. Maas, which can be found here.
However, I also loved writing my Crave review because it's nice to rant sometimes. This is an extensive negative review on the book, so if you enjoyed it, I would recommend caution reading the review since I did hate the book and am mercilessly ripping into it here.
13. Most Beautiful Book you Bought

14. What do you need to read by the end of the year?
There are so many books that I want to read by the end of 2020 that it would take up so much time to write down. However, here are some that I'm excited about for the rest of the year:
- Blood & Honey by Shelby Mahurin (plus a reread of Serpent & Dove)
- Stamped from the Beginning by Ibram X. Kendi
- Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer
- the Renegades trilogy by Marissa Meyer
- Lightbringer by Claire Legrand (plus a reread of Furyborn & Kingsbane)
- the Nevernight trilogy by Jay Kristoff (reread the first and then binge the trilogy)
- An Ember in the Ashes quartet by Sabaa Tahir (reread the first two and then binge the last two)
Thanks for reading!
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