Title: The Healing Power of Sugar
Author: C.L. Stone
Series: "Academy: Ghost Bird" #9
Publication Date: November 24, 2015
Date Started: January 2, 2015
Date Finished: January 6, 2015
Rating: 4.5/5 Stars
*semi-spoiler free review*
First off, let me say the only reason it took me four days to finish this book was because I read Illuminae at the same time and it took a little bit for this book to pick up.
Like the last couple books in this series, this novel started out rather slow. I didn't let that deter me, though. Going in, I was excited to get a book about Luke, mostly because we'd seen very minimal Sang/Luke in detail.The last couple were about Silas and Gabriel (my love). Now, it wasn't ALL about one boy, but we get to see a lot more of each boy when the story is a lot about them. I'm hoping the next one is Kota or Mr. Blackbourne, but I don't see a Mr. Blackbourne on happening for a long time.
I powered through the first fourth of this book before things really started to pick up. There were moments when I was really confused but, by the end, everything tied together.
The ending was absolutely perfect and exactly what I needed. Just the last quarter of the book alone was great in itself. The amount of fluff that was going on in the book was awesome. I saw a lot of the fluffier side of Mr. Blackbourne, which I loved to no end.
I can't really go into details about much that happened in this book, seeing as it's the 9th in a series, but I did really enjoy this installment. I hope that the next one is as good as this one, or better.
Thanks for reading! I do recommend this series, so please go check it out! First one is available on Kindle and iBooks for FREE!!! For free you should definitely check it out.
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