Saturday, July 25, 2020

Book Review: The Summer King Novellas by Jennifer L. Armentrout

The Summer King Bundle: 3 Stories by Jennifer L. Armentrout ...
Titles: The Prince, The King, & The Queen
Author: Jennifer L. Armentrout
Series: "A Wicked Trilogy" #3.5, #3.6, #3.7
Genre: New Adult Paranormal Romance
Overall Page Length: 536 pages
Final Publication Date: July 14, 2020
Individual Ratings: 4.5 // 5 stars ~ 5 // 5 stars ~ 5 // 5 stars
Overall Rating: 5 // 5 stars

I wanted to wait until all three novellas had come out before reading them so even though I finished the main books in A Wicked Trilogy last summer, I didn't read these novellas right away. I'm really glad that I did it this way because I would have been so shook by the cliffhangers and this way I didn't have to wait. 

A Wicked Trilogy is one of my favorite series written by Jennifer and I was so excited to be back in this world with these characters. I especially was interested in seeing how the world and characters were progressing after the events of the final book. 

These novellas follow a side character from the original trilogy but still features most of the main characters from that one. I absolutely loved getting to know more about Brighton and Caden and being able to read their story. I was sucked in almost immediately as I do most times I read a book by Jennifer and couldn't stop until I finished. I was addicted to the romance, the angst, the storyline. These characters were pretty well fleshed out and getting to see their character and relationship development over the course of the three novellas was wonderful.

I also have to mention one of my favorite characters...Tink! He played a huge role in the original books and I was so glad to see him play a big role in these novellas. I loved getting to see him again and I honestly would love to see a novella about him and where his story is going. 

The overall plot was rife with tension and the stakes were high. I was honestly getting into the third novella and unsure how everything was going to get resolved and if there would be a happy ending. Also, just the entirety of the second novella was so angsty and heartbreaking. I honestly loved how it played with my heart.

I think there's a lot of potential for future novellas or works in this world, whether following these characters, the original trilogy main characters, or other side characters that haven't yet had a big focus on them. However, I think that the ending was satisfying. I just always want more with this world and series since I love it so much. 

Overall, I absolutely loved these novellas and I'm so glad that I read them during Reading Rush. They were such a fun revisit to the world of A Wicked Trilogy and I honestly am really wanting to reread the original trilogy now. I highly recommend these novellas, but only after you've read the original trilogy because they do contain major spoilers! 

Thanks for reading!

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