Thursday, January 3, 2019

Let's Talk: "Internment" by Samira Ahmed

Title: Internment
Author: Samira Ahmed
Genre: Young Adult Fiction
Page Length: 381 pages
Publication Date: March 19, 2019
Date Started: December 30, 2018
Date Finished: December 31, 2018
Rating: 5 // 5 stars

*I was provided a free advanced copy of this book from Novl in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts are my own*

I'm not entirely sure how to start this review, if I'm being completely honest. I don't know how to sit here and think of a this book in terms of my emotional experience reading it but also from an analytical perspective. I don't think I can review this book based on anything except the pain in my heart. I also don't know if I can write a review that is worthy of this book.

This book challenges you. You're challenged to see what's happening in society for what it is: a warning sign. You're challenged to not be complicit. You're challenged on a basic emotional level with all the shit that happens between these pages. If you're an empathetic, kind, or even just slightly-morally-ok person, this book will challenge you.

This book hit me really hard. From the very first page until the last, I was a ball of anxiety. I cried more than once and was literally shaking by the time I finished this book. Because the things that happen in this book aren't impossible. They aren't out of reach or some fantasy horror that will never come to pass. These things can happen if we don't stop it.

I'm very contemplative looking back on this book. It was hard, yes, to read about this experiences the characters go through. But this book also challenges me to look beyond the story and into my life. Even before this book, I had the strong belief that I don't get to ignore the wrongs that are happening  just because I am from a place of privilege. This book only solidified that even further. Those who are privileged like me, I challenge you to use your voice to lift up those who don't have one and resist.

I'm sorry if you came into this review expecting me to only talk about this book as a piece of fiction. I just can't. This book is too important to not discuss everything else, because really, that's what this book is trying to shed light on. Maybe this isn't the place for a political stand, but to talk about this book and not about the impact--political, emotional, etc--it will have on readers would be wrong.

I will leave you with this: I am heartbroken, I am angered, I am inspired. Preorder this book, tell your friends and neighbors about this book, read the heck out of this book in March. This book needs to be read. This story needs to be shared. 

Thanks for reading! 

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