Monday, April 3, 2017

Let's Talk: The "Seraph Black" Series

It's time for another series review! This round: The Seraph Black series by Jane Washington! This is one of my all time favorite indie series and I can't wait to discuss it with y'all! (Reviews were written at the time I read each installment)


Book 1
Title: Charcoal Tears
Author: Jane Washington
Series: "Seraph Black" #1
Genre: RH Romance/Paranormal
Page Length: 268 pages
Publication Date: September 14, 2015
Date Started: November 12, 2016
Date Finished: November 13, 2016
Rating: 5/5 stars

I enjoyed this book from the first page. It went a completely different direction than I thought it would, but I loved it. I love all of the guys in their own way and I really hope that things turn out for the main character. There were times when my heart literally hurt from events happening in this novel and I have already bought the second one (despite my bank account dipping dangerously low). I am excited to continue with the next few books and see how everything turns out for Seph and her boys.


Book 2
Title: Watercolour Smile
Author: Jane Washington
Series: "Seraph Black" #2
Genre: RH Romance/Paranormal
Page Length: 286 pages
Publication Date: February 29, 2016
Date Started: November 13, 2016
Date Finished: November 14, 2016
Rating: 5/5 stars

Oh lord this book f*cked with my feelings so hard. Below is an accurate depiction of me at the end of this book (while sitting in class):
Things got bad in this book, and then they got slightly better and raised my hopes up. And then it got worse, so much worse. My hopes were shot down, trampled over by a taxi, dragged through horse manure, dropped in a fire, incinerated then drowned, and finally shoved in an iron coffin to be buried deep underground. I loved it. It was an amazing book. The ending perfectly set up the next one and I almost cried in the middle of class (that's a lie: I actually cried). I was getting weird looks and everything. I loved everything that happened with the boys and the ending just slayed me. It was a Sarah J. Maas-in-Empire of Storms level ending. I needed the next book immediately, and i bought it despite not having ANY money. And I read it in one day. It was fabulous.


Book 3
Title: Lead Heart 
Author: Jane Washington
Series: "Seraph Black" #3
Genre: RH Romace/Paranormal
Page Length: 284 pages
Publication Date: September 30, 2016
Date Started: November 14, 2016
Date Finished: November 14, 2016
Rating: 5/5 stars

How can a book have so many bloody plot twists and feels? Argh!!! I loved it, don't get me wrong, but I was mindf*cked at every turn. This book blew my freaking mind! I'm sure if it was possible for a book to actually kill you, this book would join the ranks of others who would have killed me previously. I loved the characters, I loved the feels, I loved everything that happened in this book. I love how there wasn't a cliffhanger to make me need the next book more than I already do (because I do need it a lot), but there were plenty of unanswered questions and unresolved issues to set up the next book quite nicely. I'm hoping it comes out super early in 2017 as I can't wait! I just want more of Seraph and these boys! Ahh so good! Definitely one of my favorite series of all time after this book.


Book 4
Title: A Portrait of Pain
Author: Jane Washington
Series: "Seraph Black" #4
Genre: RH Romance/Paranormal
Publication Date: March 31, 2017
Date Started: March 31, 2017
Date Finished: April 2, 2017
Rating: 5/5 stars

Staying up all night to finish this book was definitely one of the best decisions of my life, even if I was seriously sleep deprived the next day. I can't believe this series is already over...I've been obsessing over it since I found it and of course I found it right when it was ending. This final installment was amazing. Everything I wanted to happen ended up happening and it even threw in a few extra things I didn't know I needed. I devoured this book. I obsess over these characters and this book had everything I ever needed. It had the culmination of three previous books of build up and tension, and it all climaxed beautifully. I would love a sequel or a spin off, but I do know it is rare that I get an ending like that. Simply put, I loved it. This book definitely was what I needed. I can't even explain how much I loved it. I can't even express my feelings for this amazing conclusion and bittersweet goodbye.


Frankly, this series will always be one of my favorites. There will definitely be times that I go back and reread the entire series just because I miss it. These characters: Seraph, Silas (my fav!), Miro, Cabe, and Noah, will stick with me for years to come. I can't wait to see what else the author puts out but I will always have a special place in my heart for this series. 

Thanks for reading

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