Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Book Review: "When the Dead Have it Easy" by B.L. Brunnemer

Title: When the Dead Have it Easy
Author: B.L. Brunnemer
Series: "The Veil Diaries" #7
Genre: NA Paranormal RH
Page Length: 380 pages
Publication Date: April 27, 2019
Date Started: June 6, 2019
Date Finished: June 6, 2019
Rating: 5 // 5 stars
(Previous book reviews for this series are at the bottom of this review)

It's been a few days since I finished this book as I wanted to let the story really sit in my head and to give myself a chance to digest all that happened. I really liked this installment--it wasn't my favorite, but I loved all the angst and character relationship development.

In terms of plot, this book doesn't add much to overall plot themes we've been dealing with in other books. The book before this one was very plot and world-building heavy whereas this one kind of pulled back a bit. I'm not saying that this is a bad thing, because I love reading about my favorite characters just interacting, but for readers who really love a fast-moving plot it might pose an issue.  There are two or three key plot developments, however, but these also aren't explored in depth in this book and were more placed there to set up events of the next book, I'm assuming. Where the focus of this book is is on the relationship developments between characters.

This book had angst plentiful. There were plenty of fluffy moments but also a lot of moments of characters struggling internally with things going on around them. In this book, we really see the core group dynamics of previous books have been shook up. The characters are struggling to come up with a new way of interacting which was definitely fascinating. I will say, a few moments in this book frustrated me to no end in a good way.

Honestly, there's not much in this book that happens past character and relationship development. It focuses primarily around the main characters going on a camping trip and fixing their group dynamics instead of any of the big supernatural and paranormal issues they've been dealing with for most of the series. I'll just end this by saying that something finally happened that I've been anticipating for a very long time.

I'm honestly very excited to see where the next book goes. We have to wait at least six more months (which is fine since I had to wait two years for the final installment in my favorite series) and I do think that this was a natural stopping point to allow for a longer break between books. That doesn't mean I'm not eagerly anticipating the next one, just that I can take a breath and not be too stressed about what will happen next.

I have so many theories about what could happen in upcoming books, but for now, I think I'm just going to end this review here and say that this is still one of my favorite series and I can't wait to reread it soon.

Book Reviews
Veil Diaries:
Book 1: Trying to Live With the Dead
Book 2: When the Dead Come A Knockin'
Book 3: When to Fear the Living
Book 4: Whispers from the Dead
Book 5: When Evil Comes to Play
Book 6: Secrets From the Grave

Books of Stone:
Book 1: Found

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  1. I have this series on the TBR. Hoping I can start soon!

    1. I hope you like it! It's definitely one of my favorites!
