Wednesday, April 1, 2020

March 2020 Wrap-Up!

Well hello everyone! March is finally over. The only thing I can say is about damn time! Looking back, March seemed like it lasted a decade. At the beginning I had midterms, then I was in London before the pandemic really hit, and then I was moved out of college and back home in isolation doing online classes. Suffice to say, this month wasn't a great reading month. I did read 8 books, but half of them were rather short and my TBR was quite a bit longer for the month. However, I am not too upset because I was already stressed about life and I'm glad I didn't stress over books as well. Anyway, let's just dive in! 

Title: Lumberjanes, vol 1: Beware the Kitten Holy
Authors/Illustrators: Stevenson, Ellis, Watters, & Allen
Rating: 4 // 5 stars
Beware the Kitten Holy (Lumberjanes, Vol. 1)
This was super cute and adorable. It was a bit different than I expected, but in a good way. I'm definitely getting a lot of family of friends vibes and I like that it's set at a camp. Also, the introduction of supernatural events and whatnot has me really intrigued! 

Title: Lumberjanes, vol 2: Friendship to the Max
Authors/Illustrators: Stevenson, Ellis, Watters, & Allen
Rating: 4 // 5 stars
Friendship to the Max by Noelle Stevenson
I was a bit more confused at times with this one but it was still super cute and fun. I'll definitely be continuing on with the next one!

Title: Lumberjanes, vol 3: A Terrible Plan
Authors/Illustrators: Stevenson, Ellis, Watters, & Allen
Rating: 4 // 5 stars
A Terrible Plan (Lumberjanes, Vol. 3)
This was so cute. It was less intense than the last ones but the entire thing was so cute and fun. I really liked getting to see a more laid back installment with the characters hanging out together and just being cute.  

Title: The Confessions of Nat Turner
Edited By: Kenneth S. Greenberg
Rating: n/a--read for class
The Confessions of Nat Turner by Kenneth S. Greenberg

Title: Ash Princess
Author: Laura Sebastian
Rating: 4 // 5 stars
This was a reread that I did in order to continue on with the trilogy for a blog tour and...I think I liked it even better this time around. It still wasn't perfect and there were moments that dragged, but I enjoyed it even more than the first time around.

Title: Lady Smoke
Author: Laura Sebastian
Rating: 4 // 5 stars
Lady Smoke by Laura Sebastian

Title: Ember Queen
Author: Laura Sebastian
Rating: 4.25 // 5 stars
Ember Queen (Ash Princess Trilogy, #3)
Title: She's With Me
Author: Jessica Cunsolo
Rating: 5 // 5 stars
She's With Me


February 2020 Wrap-Up!
Book Review: "Lady Smoke" by Laura Sebastian
Blog Tour: "Ember Queen" by Laura Sebastian + Giveaway
Book Review: "She's With Me" by Jessica Cunsolo

Thanks for reading!

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