Friday, March 1, 2019

February 2019 Wrap-Up!

Somehow February was a very productive month for me! I read nine books, posted a fair amount on my blog and instagram, had a lot to do for school, and watched a lot of Netflix. I'm not quite sure how I managed to get as much done as I did, but I'm excited nonetheless! Without further ado, let's go ahead and dive in!

Title: Till Death Do Us Part
Author: A.J. Lee
Rating: 3.5 // 5 stars

Title: Sightwitch
Author: Susan Dennard
Rating: 4 // 5 stars

Title: Guts
Author: Chuck Palahniuk
Rating: N/A
Honestly I don't know how to rate this. I'd read an article about how dozens of people passed out at live readings of this short story so I expected to be more shocked/queasy. I kind of expected to pass out. But I didn't. It was definitely disturbing and weird and super gross--not for the faint of heart/those who can't handle guts--but I wasn't as affected as I expected by it.

Title: Astrophil and Stella
Author: Sir Philip Sidney
Rating: N/A--Read for class
Neutral rating because I read this for class. I can, however, say that Astrophil is the literal worst. He's a prick and I would happily punch him where the sun don't shine if he were an actual person and alive instead of an old fictional character. Also, knowing that this sonnet sequence was based off of Sir Philip Sidney's experience with loving a 13-year old girl made me very uncomfortable a lot of the time, especially in the back half of the sequence...especially at the second song

Title: Bloodwitch
Author: Susan Dennard
Rating: 5 // 5 stars

Title: The City of Brass
Author: S.A. Chakraborty
Rating: 4.75 // 5 stars

Title: As You Like It
Author: William Shakespeare
Rating: N/A--read for class

Title: The Kingdom of Copper
Author: S.A. Chakraborty
Rating: 5 // 5 stars

Title: Stalking Jack the Ripper
Author: Kerri Maniscalco
Rating: 5 // 5 stars
I had such a fun time rereading this book and I'm super excited to move onto the next one. I first read this book back when it came out and fell in love with the characters. When I started reading the second one, though, I got too caught up in college to finish. But I can't wait to continue on now that I'm all refreshed to the events of this book!

January 2019 Wrap-Up!
Let's Talk: "Till Death Do Us Part" by A.J. Lee
January 2019 Book Haul!
Top 5 Wednesday: Nostalgic Ships
Unboxing: Beacon Book Box's "Spellbound Stories"
Truthwitch Book Tag!
Let's Talk: "Bloodwitch" by Susan Dennard
Top 5 Wednesday: Independent Ladies
Let's Talk: "The City of Brass" by S.A. Chakraborty
Fantasy Book Recommendations!
Let's Talk: "The Kingdom of Copper" by S.A. Chakraborty
Recommending My Favorite TV Shows


I re-discovered Hawaii Five-0 last month just after returning from winter break and became obsessed. I ended up watching seasons 2 through 7 (a total of 150 episodes 😱). All I can say is that this show is addicting and I had to watch it that fast before my free trial ran out! I'm still currently catching up as I post this and I love the direction the show has taken.

Thanks for reading!

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