Title: Captivating Melody
Author: Katherine McIntyre
Series: "Discord's Desire" #1
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Publication Date: June 25, 2018
Date Started: August 4, 2018
Date Finished: August 5, 2018
Rating: 4/5 stars
*I was sent a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*
I really enjoyed this book. From the moment that I read the synopsis, I was so interested in this story. This book really had everything I like in a paranormal romance. It was interesting and steamy and awesome and about a band...I really am a sucker for band stories.
There were multiple sexy, funny men (even if the main character is only interested in one, the others are fun to learn about, too). I love that they weren't all the same, either. A lot of the time with romance books, I find that a lot of the characters are almost exactly the same even if they have different names and backgrounds. These characters were all different and I could actually tell them apart. I loved getting to know each of them and I can only hope that the others in the series focus on different band members.
The main character was also awesome. She was so realistic and I absolutely loved it. I could identify with her a lot because she's one who hides her emotions and what she's really feeling, even around those who she's closest with. That's something that I struggle with to this day and I could really understand her character. I also thought that she was funny and just very relatable.
The plot was fun, if a bit slow at times. I enjoyed every second of me reading this book and I was never bored. I thought that it went to realistic lengths and I enjoyed reading these characters' adventures. I also loved that it was about fae and brought in that lore. With the whole fae deal, I was really impressed that it wasn't the exact same as a bunch of newer fantasy novels that deal with fae. I really enjoyed it, overall.
In short, I thought this book was great. It was fun...it was steamy...it was adventurous and action-packed...it was awesome. I highly recommend it to anyone who loves paranormal romances!
Thanks for reading!
I really enjoyed this book. From the moment that I read the synopsis, I was so interested in this story. This book really had everything I like in a paranormal romance. It was interesting and steamy and awesome and about a band...I really am a sucker for band stories.
There were multiple sexy, funny men (even if the main character is only interested in one, the others are fun to learn about, too). I love that they weren't all the same, either. A lot of the time with romance books, I find that a lot of the characters are almost exactly the same even if they have different names and backgrounds. These characters were all different and I could actually tell them apart. I loved getting to know each of them and I can only hope that the others in the series focus on different band members.
The main character was also awesome. She was so realistic and I absolutely loved it. I could identify with her a lot because she's one who hides her emotions and what she's really feeling, even around those who she's closest with. That's something that I struggle with to this day and I could really understand her character. I also thought that she was funny and just very relatable.
The plot was fun, if a bit slow at times. I enjoyed every second of me reading this book and I was never bored. I thought that it went to realistic lengths and I enjoyed reading these characters' adventures. I also loved that it was about fae and brought in that lore. With the whole fae deal, I was really impressed that it wasn't the exact same as a bunch of newer fantasy novels that deal with fae. I really enjoyed it, overall.
In short, I thought this book was great. It was fun...it was steamy...it was adventurous and action-packed...it was awesome. I highly recommend it to anyone who loves paranormal romances!
Thanks for reading!
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